Enigma range datasheets

This article provides access to PDF files of datasheets and technical data for all Enigma machines and accessories.

The spec sheet provides an overview of machine data (e.g. dimensions, weight ...). It also provides information about the installation (e.g. hydraulic connections).


Best viewed using Adobe Acrobat® and Google Chrome.

Classic line

Table 17. E'2s/Classic | E'2ms/Classic

Table 18. E'4s/Classic | E'4ms/Classic

Table 19. E'4s x-wide/Classic | E'4ms x-wide/Classic

Table 20. E'6s/Classic | E'6ms/Classic

Table 22. E'cup heater/Classic

Super Traditional line

Table 27. E'4s x-wide/ST | E'4ms x-wide/ST

Table 29. E'choco/ST

Table 30. E'cup heater/ST